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Datenschutzrechtlicher Schadensersatz nach Art. 82 DS-GVO

Voraussetzungen, Rechtsfolgen und Praxisbezüge
Nomos,  2023, 561 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-0579-6

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The work is part of the series Schriften zum Medien- und Informationsrecht (Volume 69)
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englischIn the context of the liability and sanctions regime of the GDPR, in addition to the significantly tightened fines, special attention is also and especially paid to the compensation for damages under data protection law. Article 82 GDPR provides for a directly applicable claim for damages under EU law in the event of data protection violations, which above all also includes the immaterial damages that are often considered in this context. The author examines the prerequisites and legal consequences as well as the procedural frameworks of compensation for damages under data protection law in accordance with Article 82 GDPR and focuses on the legal issues and problem areas that arise at all levels of liability for damages.

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