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Federal Constitutional Court

Decisions of the Bundesverfassungsgericht - Federal Constitutional Court - Federal Republic of Germany

Volume 5: Family-Related Decisions 1957-2010
Nomos,  2013, 989 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8329-6851-9

98,00 € incl. VAT
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englischVolume five of the series deals with family-related questions of law. The members of the Federal Constitutional Court have compiled 51 landmark decisions from the years 1957-2010 and had them translated into English.


The decisions cover a broad range of subject-matters, including the conclusion of marriage, maintenance law, custody rights, adoption, divorce, and the right to know one’s parentage. They also illustrate the various ways in which the Basic Law’s protection of marriage and the family influences the interpretation in such diverse fields of law as social, fiscal, prison, press, or municipal law.


The President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Professor Dr. Andreas Voßkuhle, introduces the collection of cases in a preface. The book concludes with a translation of the Basic Law into English. Like the previous volumes, volume five contains indices of key words and statutes, as well as an updated list of all Federal Constitutional Court members since 1951.

»Es ist zu hoffen, dass möglichst viele Bibliotheken in möglichst vielen Ländern diesen Band erwerben werden... Die ausgewählten Entscheidungen liefern nicht nur eine wichtige Inspirationsquelle für jeden familienrechtlich Interessierten; sie bilden auch ein bemerkenswertes Zeugnis für den Wandel der Gesellschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von den 50er Jahren bis heute.«
Prof. Dr. Anne Sanders, NZFam 22/14