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DEFA-Geschichte in Filmen

Nomos,  2020, 226 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-9152-9

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn 12 contributions, central aesthetic positions of GDR feature film and cultural history are presented on the basis of exemplary films from four decades. DEFA, the state-owned film studio of the German Democratic Republic, produced around 700 films of all genres between 1946 and 1992, many of which are part of German film heritage. Among the films the author discusses are ‘Der Untertan’ (The Kaiser’s Lackey) (1951), ‘Das Lied der Matrosen’ (The Sailor’s Song) (1949), ‘Das Mädchen auf dem Brett’ (The Girl on the Diving Board) (1967), ‘Die unverbesserliche Barbara’ (The Incorrigible Barbara) (1977), ‘Thomas Müntzer – Ein Film deutscher Geschichte’ (Thomas Muentzer) (1954), ‘Rivalen am Steuer’ (1957), (Rivals at the Wheel) ‘Ach, du fröhliche’ (A Lively Christmas Eve) (1962), ‘Zünd’ an, es kommt die Feuerwehr’ (Here comes the Fire Brigade) (1977), ‘Die Verlobte’ (The Fiancee) (1980) and ‘Wengler und Söhne’ (Wengler and Sons) (1986/87).

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