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Landwehr | Schmalz-Bruns

Deliberative Demokratie in der Diskussion

Herausforderungen, Bewährungsproben, Kritik
Nomos,  2015, 451 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5712-9

84,00 € incl. VAT
84,00 € incl. VAT
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englischOn taking stock of the theory of deliberative democracy as the dominant account of the idea of democracy in the last thirty years we ask whether it still provides the most promising normative outlook on the emerging structures and patterns of international, trans- or supranational governance. What answers can the theory of deliberative democracy provide when confronted with economic and ecological crises, class related phenomena of social contestation, religious confrontation and disfiguring tendencies of established democracies under the pressure of populism on the one hand and expertocratic governance on the other? Do these developments give support to its external critique and rival conceptions, or does empirical research confirm its fundamental outlook so that the internal critique does still provide the best means of defending the idea of democracy with respect to the challenging realities of contemporary politics? To answer these questions, this volume brings together political theorists and empirical research, and it engages different perspectives of internal and external critique in dialogue.

With contributions by:

Prof. Dr. Nicole Deitelhoff; Dr. Martin Ebeling; Prof. Erik O. Eriksen; Prof. Dr. Dieter Fuchs; Dr. Daniel Gaus; Prof. Dr. Dirk Jörke; Prof. Dr. Claudia Landwehr; PD Dr. Markus Linden; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer; Prof. Dr. Andreas Niederberger; Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier; Dr. Tanja Pritzlaff; Jan Achim Richter; Dr. Claudia Ritzi; Prof. Dr. Gary Schaal; Prof. Dr. Rainer Schmalz-Bruns; Dr. Thorsten Thiel; Manon Westphal M.A.