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Denken in Widersprüchen

Carl Schmitt wider den Zeitgeist
Nomos,  2., aktualisierte und überarbeitete Auflage, 2021, 405 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-2303-9

79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischCarl Schmitt thought and wrote in contradictions. Was this already a revolt of thought in the sense of Alain Badiou? Or was Schmitt—as some interpreters think—merely an opportunist, albeit a powerful one in terms of language? A certain recalcitrance towards the so-called ‘mainstream’ influenced him throughout his life. From the beginning of his academic work, he always attracted the attention of experts—and often of those beyond—with his sometimes extremely provocative theses. His sharpness of thought and his polished style made and still make his writings worth reading.


Using the tools of political science analysis, this book deals in six parts with the myth of the state and the friend–foe thinking that made Carl Schmitt famous, the reason for the state and states of emergency, thinking about the greater space and world order, and Schmitt's elective affinities with Hobbes, Bodin and Machiavelli. Finally, it endeavours to answer the question of the significance of Carl Schmitt in contemporary debates.


Carl Schmitt is the great stimulator. In his writings, he brought problems to the fore that other observers missed and he foresaw political developments before they became virulent. In view of our crisis-ridden times, engaging with his sometimes unconventional views is particularly worthwhile, even if he remains controversial as a person.


This volume is the revised and updated new edition of the book ‘Denken in Widersprüchen’ (Thinking in Contradictions), the first edition of which was published by Nomos in 2015.

Stimmen zur Vorauflage:

»Der Band versammelt fast ausschließlich bereits veröffentlichte Arbeiten von Rüdiger Voigt, der sich nicht nur in zahlreichen Sammelbänden um die historische Deutung des Plettenberger Staatsrechtslehrers verdient gemacht hat, sondern diesen stets mit Blick auf die aktuellen Problemlagen liest.«
E & D 2016, 500

Dr. Till Kinzel, 4/2015
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