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... denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun! - Warum Politik und Gesetzgebung so oft irren

Ein Plädoyer für die Neue Analytische Regelungswissenschaft (NAWI)
Nomos,  2014, 286 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-1612-8

74,00 € incl. VAT
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englischRules are our lives. But whether they truly do have the effects they are designed to have is something we often only know with the wisdom of hindsight and quite often only then when it is too late. The financial crisis and the euro crisis are cautionary examples for this, as are the high relapse rates of criminal offenders and rigid age limits. The biblical motto “... for they know not what they do“ is still valid, even though it would be possible today to measure and quantify the impact of rules and regulations with the help of analytical, scientific methods before they cause any harm. This book is a plea for a “New Analysis of Regulatory Impact (NARI)“. The author demonstrates that a sustainable measurement and analytical quantification of rules is possible, develops first approaches for methods of such measurement and presents a variety of examples from the realities of life, that could have beneficial effects on the regulatory impact research.