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Albrecht | Steinberg

Der Allgemeine Teil des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts

Beiträge zu Ehren unserer Kollegen Uwe Hellmann und Wolfgang Mitsch
Nomos,  2023, 263 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-4268-9

79,00 € incl. VAT
79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe publication concentrates on current issues at the intersection of the general part of criminal law and the specific subject matter of economic criminal law. It contains the lectures held by Hans Achenbach, Jörg Eisele, Christian Schröder and Detlev Sternberg-Lieben in July 2022 at the colloquium on "The General Part of Commercial Criminal Law" in honor of Wolfgang Mitsch and Uwe Hellmann. They are complemented by further contributions from the academic environment of the honorees.

With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Hans Achenbach | Prof. Dr. Anna H. Albrecht | RAin Carolin Baumeister | Prof. Dr. Katharina Beckemper | Prof. Dr. René Börner | RA Dr. Matthias Brockhaus | Prof. Dr. Jörg Eisele | Dr. Alix Giraud-Willer | Dr. Yao Li | Dipl.-Jur. Alexander Mitsch | Dipl.-Jur. Sebastian Mitsch | Prof. Dr. Christian Schröder | RegR'in Dr. Diana Stage | Prof. Dr. Georg Steinberg | Prof. em. Dr. Detlef Sternberg-Lieben

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