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Der eigentumsrechtliche Wertschutz von Anteilsrechten

Eine vergleichende Studie zur Rechtslage im deutschen und internationalen Recht
Nomos,  2021, 501 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-0892-0

128,00 € incl. VAT
128,00 € incl. VAT
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englischProperty protection is provided by national law as well as international law. The study seeks for an explanation regarding the divergent approaches to the protection of shareholders in cases of reflective loss provided for in German constitutional law and various fields of public international law. This is done by way of a comparison of the German approach with those found in the law of aliens, in the European Convention on Human Rights and under international investment law. This results in the finding that approaches of international law partly fail to establish the necessary bonds to recognized concepts of national law.

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