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Swamy-von Zastrow

Der Kartellregress im Internationalen Privat- und Zivilverfahrensrecht

Nomos,  2023, 406 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1771-7

124,00 € incl. VAT
124,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe thesis deals with the complex and hardly examined topic of international contribution claims in antitrust cases in the tension field between (private) antitrust law, the general principles of joint and several liability and private international and civil procedure law. In particular, the thesis focusses on questions of the court competent for contribution claims under the German Code of Civil Procedure and the Brussels I Regulation as well as the law applicable to the respective claims. In particular, against the background of Art. 6(3) in conjunction with Art. 20 Rome II Regulation, the option right of the claimant in Art. 6 (3)(b) Rome II Regulation and the possible applicability of third-country legal systems, solutions are developed that reconcile the various interests.

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