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Der Portalverbund zwischen Bund und Ländern

Artikel 91c Absatz 5 GG und dessen einfachgesetzliche Ausgestaltung im verfassungsrechtlichen Wertgefüge
Nomos,  2022, 692 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-3555-1

194,00 € incl. VAT
194,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe Portalverbund is an indicator of e-government. The focus of the discourse is on determining the scope of article 91c V GG. It explores the limits of the competence title; warns against excessive legislative use. The term Verwaltungsleistungen is examined; the question is explored to what extent this will move away from the traditional term of Verwaltungsverfahren. The work demonstrates foresight, as developments closely related to the OZG, such as those of the RegModG with the data protection cockpit, are considered. Due to the defined limits of competence and in view of the dynamics of the legal field, the statements of the document are of interest for the administration, science and also for the legislator and the judiciary.

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