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Der rechtfertigende Notstand im Medizinrecht

Eine Untersuchung zum systematischen Verhältnis des rechtfertigenden Notstandes zu medizinrechtlichen Ge- und Verboten
Nomos,  2024, 310 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1939-1

99,00 € incl. VAT
99,00 € incl. VAT
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englischFor the first time, this work presents a specific study of the relationship between justifiable necessity and criminally punishable norms of medical law. In this area in particular, situations of necessity occur regularly and are caused by these norms themselves, because limited resources encounter risks for health or life. After clarifying the relevant foundations of criminal law dogmatics, an examination of cases from the entire spectrum of medical law follows. From these findings, a systematization is elaborated which, on the basis of the distinction between substantive law and procedure, specifies the applicability of justification by necessity in medical law.


The work was awarded the Dorothea-Erxleben-Preis 2024 of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg for an outstanding dissertation (Section of Social Sciences and Humanities)!

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