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Der Stiftungsvorstand bei der Vermögensverwaltung

Haftung, Bedeutung der Gemeinnützigkeit, Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten
Nomos,  2017, 347 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8130-8

90,00 € incl. VAT
90,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe asset management is an indispensable and pre-conditional condition for its long-term existence and successful foundation work, especially for charitable foundations. Against the backdrop of the low-interest phase, which has now been going on for years, many board members are forced to open up more complex and risk-protected forms of investment, beyond the conservative or even secondary investment opportunities.

The work examines, in particular, the extent to which the liability of the board of trustees must be appropriate and points out guidelines for asset management in foundations. The protection of the foundation as an autonomous fortune is of particular importance for dogmatic as well as for practical reasons. The work questions, among other things, the ways of reducing the liability risks of foundations, which is the subject of the foundation law as well as by the legislature, and calls on the greater professionalization of the decision-makers in the foundation, especially for the great majority of small and small foundations.

»kann insbesondere Stiftungsverbänden, Stiftern und Estate Plannern / Bänkern uneingeschränkt empfohlen werden. Für diese eröffnen sich neue Beratungsfelder und Chancen.«
RA Dr. Dietrich Ostertun, FPSB-Newsletter Feb. 18

»eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Arbeit, die einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Haftung von Siftungsvorständen leistet.«
Oliver Rohn, StiftungsWelt 2017, 96