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Devolution in Schottland

Institutionelle Entwicklung zwischen Pfadabhängigkeit und graduellem Wandel
Nomos,  2015, 274 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-4774-8

54,00 € incl. VAT
54,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe thesis examines the question of what it may mean theoretically and methodically to implement the postulate “History Matters!“ in the analysis of Administrative Devolution in Scotland. To this end, a dynamic, historical institutionalist explanation approach was chosen which combines the concept of path dependency with the theory of gradual institutional change. History was understood as historicity and processuality.

Administrative Devolution is the political order by which Scotland was integrated into the British state from 1885 until 1999. This institutional arrangement came to an end with the constitution of a Scottish Parliament. The thesis examines how this political order came about and developed during those more than a hundred years. It also sheds light on the political processes since the Act of Union of 1707 as well as the developments which led to the independence referendum in September 2014.