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Dezentralisierung und Selbstverwaltung

Eine Herausforderung an den Nationalstaat als Antwort auf die Kurdenfrage in der Türkei
Nomos,  2012, 422 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-3817-3

69,00 € incl. VAT
69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn order to propose a solution to the ethno-national conflict between Turks and Kurds in Turkey, the author has devised a model of a decentralised and federal state, in which Turkey would consist of 21 regions.

Despite the global trend towards decentralisation processes the Turkish state continues to insist on the French model of a centralised nation-state. The theoretical concept of the indivisibility of the nation is rooted in kemalist ideology. Due to the cultural and political demands of the Kurdish people, though, Turkey will have to face decentralisation processes short- or midterm.

»eine detaillierte und überzeugende Argumentation zur Lösung eines der zentralen Probleme der Türkei.«
Sabine Steppat, November 2012