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Die Ablehnung der Vollstreckung des Europäischen Haftbefehls

Ein Vergleich der gesetzlichen Grundlagen und praktischen Anwendung zwischen Spanien und Deutschland
Nomos,  2017, 338 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-8167-4

84,00 € incl. VAT
84,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe European arrest warrant represents probably the most spectacular example among the developments of the European penal law in this young millennium. Introducing the European arrest warrant, the extradition system among the member states of the European Union was completely reformed. The European arrest warrant implements a speed-up and a simplification of the extradition within the Union. The grounds of refusal of the European Arrest Warrant are the Trojan horses of national retentions regarding the European arrest warrant, based on the principle of mutual recognition. The way the member states transferred the grounds of refusal, intended by the framework decision of the European arrest warrant, shows, if an extradition friendly or a sceptical regime was planned by the national legislator. The dissertation examines the implementations of the grounds of refusal in Germany and in Spain and examines their attitude towards human rights.