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Graf von Kielmansegg

Die EEG-Reform - Bilanz, Konzeptionen, Perspektiven

Wiesbadener Energierechtstag - 3. HEUSSEN-Energierechtsgespräch
Nomos,  2015, 139 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5731-0

34,00 € incl. VAT
34,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe 2014 reform of the German Renewable Energy Act creates a new basis for the promotion of renewable energies giving rise to various conceptual and legal questions. This volume presents the contributions made to the 3rd HEUSSEN-Conference at the EBS Law School Wiesbaden where experts from the academia, government, the energy sector and legal counsels have analysed and discussed the reform. Starting point is an overall assessment of the reform from the ministerial point of view. The following articles deal more specifically with the most important changes introduced by the new legislation: direct marketing, the introduction of a tendering model, changes for wind power plants, the future of own power generation, and, finally, the impact of European state aids law on the privileges for enterprises with high power consumption.

With contributions by: Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg, Dr. Kay Dahlke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ehricke, Fabian Schmitz-Grethlein, Hanna Schumacher, Dr. André Turiaux