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Die Europaministerkonferenz der Länder

Europapolitische Willensbildung zwischen den Ländern und Wahrnehmung von Länderinteressen in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union
Nomos,  2018, 366 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-5114-3

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The work is part of the series Schriftenreihe Europäisches Recht, Politik und Wirtschaft (Volume 389)
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englischWith this work, the Conference of Ministers for European Affairs, composed of Germany´s federal states, is led out of its shadowy existence. For the very first time, the general public is granted a profound insight into the federal states‘ euro-political practice and their cooperation with the federal government and the EU itself.


How can the existence of the federal states´ “Europaministerkonferenz“ (short EMK) be justified constitutionally regarding the federal responsibility for foreign affairs? What role does the EMK play in the overall institutional structure of the federal states´ European policy? Based on her practical experiences and insight gained from interviews, the author draws a detailed picture of the EMK’s atypical character. By means of select case studies, the work of the EMK is subjected to critical analysis and its effectiveness and efficiency are assessed.


This doctoral thesis opens up knowledge which, so far, had only been accessible to practitioners, to the general public.