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Die finanzielle Komponente des Urlaubsanspruchs im deutschen und im europäischen Recht

Wechsel der Regelungskonzeption ohne Gesetzesänderung?
Nomos,  2023, 411 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1718-2

124,00 € incl. VAT
124,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn recent years, holiday law has been subject to major changes due to the case law of the ECJ and the Federal Labour Court. The legislator remained inactive. The paper examines the question of whether this judicial reshaping of holiday law respects the limits of interpretation and further development of the law or whether a new statutory regulation is necessary. The focus is on questions concerning the financial components of the holiday entitlement, such as holiday compensation and its inheritability, as well as the conversion of holiday entitlements in the event of changes in the scope of employment. Prior to this, the work critically analyses the EU legal requirements from the law of directives and the Charter of Fundamental Rights as well as their reception by the ECJ.

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