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Die Kompetenzverteilung zwischen Justiz und Jugendhilfe bei Entscheidungen zu erzieherischen ambulanten Maßnahmen im JGG, insbesondere § 10 JGG

Eine rechtliche und empirische Untersuchung mit Reformvorschlag
Nomos,  2017, 359 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-3845-8

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The work is part of the series Schriften zur Kriminologie (Volume 7)
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englischThe book aims to contribute to the current discussion on criminal politics in German theory and practice. Focusing on the controversial relations between juvenile criminal justice and youth welfare, this PhD project provides a new perspective on questions of discretionary competence regarding ambulant socio-educational measures for juvenile offenders – educational and disciplinary measures or the so-called ‘Hilfen zur Erziehung’. Bearing crucial practical implications, the thesis tackles the question of who is in charge of carrying out and financing such ambulant measures as imposed by juvenile court. In addition to analyzing the legal-theoretical background of the cooperation between justice system and youth welfare, the author puts forward an empirical study evaluating its practice and develops a potential reform proposal. The study is aimed at scientific and political audiences as well as practitioners in the German juvenile criminal justice system and youth welfare.