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Die Strafbarkeit von Plattformbetreibern im Darknet

Nomos,  2022, 341 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-3119-5

98,00 € incl. VAT
98,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn recent times, one not only reads in the press about the ominous Darknet, in which many things seem to be possible and criminals are up to mischief, but there are also more and more cases against operators of trading platforms, on which trade with prohibited goods is carried out. This thesis deals with the criminal law assessment of the operators of such platforms. On the one hand, it examines the extent to which the operator of such a trading platform is himself a perpetrator or participant in the criminal acts associated with transactions concluded on the platform, and on the other hand, whether the operation of such a platform itself should result in punishment as a perpetrator of an independent offense.

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