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Die USA, der Iran und das Nuklearabkommen

Nomos,  2022, 226 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-0529-1

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The work is part of the series Nichtverbreitung, Abrüstung & Rüstungskontrolle (Volume 2)
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englischThe main focus of this book is a detailed analysis of the nuclear agreement with Iran (JCPOA). The controversy about it mirrors the decade-long complicated and shifting relationships between Iran and the US. The book also places the JCPOA in the context of Iran’s geopolitical position and the nuclear weapon-free zone in the Middle East. A working agreement with Iran would also demonstrate that multilateralism is still possible in a polarised world. In autumn 2022, protests against the ruling elite in Iran increased. An agreement would not only bar Iran’s access to a nuclear weapon but would also improve the communication capabilities of its civil society.

»eine umfassende Analyse internationaler Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik im Falle der Beziehungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und dem Iran. Die Leserschaft bekommt einen spannenden Einblick wie solche diplomatischen Verhandlungen ablaufen.«
Betrifft Frieden - Stimmen der Zeit 1/2023, 5
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