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Die Vereinten Nationen

Herausforderungen, Chancen und Reformkonzepte
Ausgewählte Aufsätze von Helmut Volger

Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Johannes Varwick

Nomos,  2014, 221 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-1491-9

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The work is part of the series The United Nations and Global Change (Volume 10)
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englischThe book is a portrait of the scholarly work of the political scientist Helmut Volger. Volger has dealt with the topic United Nations since the middle 1980s in monographs, anthologies and an encyclopedia under his editorship as well as in articles in scholarly journals and lectures. Since 1999 Volger is the coordinator of the network “Forschungskreis Vereinte Nationen” (Research Group United Nations) founded by scholars of international law and international politics as well as former and active staff members of the United Nations.

The editor has compiled in the present book a selection of journal articles, lectures and conference statements of Helmut Volger. In his introduction Varwick evaluates the significance of Helmut Volger’s work for the German UN research and UN politics: Volger deals in his publications not only with the current developments within the United Nations, but advocates intensifying German UN research and giving a higher priority to the topic UN within the academic teaching at the universities. Varwick’s introduction is supplemented by respective statements of renowned UN scholars.

»Der Autor setzt sich mit seinen Veröffentlichungen nicht nur mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen in den VN auseinander, sondern engagiert sich darüber hinaus für eine stärkere deutsche VN-Forschung und eine größere Gewichtung des Themas in der Lehre an den Universitäten... zur Lektüre empfohlen.«
Dr. Sascha Rolf, Humanitäres Völkerrecht 2015, 94