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Digitale Transformation und Ethik

Ethische Überlegungen zur Robotisierung und Automatisierung von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft und zum Einsatz von «Künstlicher Intelligenz»
Nomos,  2024, 574 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1846-2

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39,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book discusses digitalization, robotization, and automation of society and of the economy and the use of artificial intelligence from an ethical perspective. After an introduction on the correlation between morality and technology and an assessment of the moral capability of technologies, the book introduces ethical principles serving the evaluation of the digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence. Subsequently, the digital transformation and its chances and challenges are analyzed from an ethical standpoint. Finally, ethical approaches addressing the challenges are developed.

One of the research-focuses of Peter G Kirchschlaeger (Full Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE at the Department of Theology of the University of Lucerne; prior Visiting Fellow at Yale University) lies on ethics of digitalization, robotization, automatization, and artificial intelligence.

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