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Diskriminierungsschutz ohne Grenzen?

Reichweite und Grenzen des persönlichen und sachlichen Schutzbereichs des Antidiskriminierungsrechts am Beispiel der Entscheidungen Coleman (C-303/06) und Feryn (C-54/07) des EuGH
Nomos,  2015, 481 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5642-9

119,00 € incl. VAT
119,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) prohibits discrimination against employees on grounds of race, ethnic origin, sex, religion, beliefs, disability, age and sexual identity.

However, does the law also cover cases of so-called discrimination by association in which employees are discriminated against because of their association with a person bearing a protected characteristic? Does the law also prohibit discrimination in absence of an identifiable victim (so-called hypothetical discrimination)? In its Coleman and Feryn judgments, the European Court of Justice answered these questions in the affirmative.

The author analyses these issues from a European law perspective and discusses their impact on the General Equal Treatment Act. To support her findings, the author refers to US anti-discrimination law, which has been central to the development of European anti-discrimination legislation.