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Demir | Funder | Greifenstein | Kißler

Diversität und Interessenvertretung – zwischen Beharrung und Bewegung

Geschlechterpolitik und Generationswechsel im Betriebsrat
Nomos,  2021, 253 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-2840-9

54,00 € incl. VAT
54,00 € incl. VAT
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englischDiversity has become a desirable ideal in the late modern work-oriented society. In particular, diversity is a goal of large global companies, which have already implemented concepts for managing it. Is diversity, however, also an issue of co-determination? While focusing on diversity in terms of gender and age, we aim to shed light on the question of whether works councils’ policies are informed by diversity endeavours: How have gender relations developed in the context of works councils? How relevant is gender policy in the context of co-determination? How are works councils dealing with demographic change? Do they have concepts for it and how do they put them into practice? Is diversity merely used as window dressing or is there more to it?

»Für einschlägige Wissenschaftler:innen und Aktivist:innen durchaus interessant.«
Sena Dogan, WEIBERDIWAN Sommer 2022, 8
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