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Fischer | Hoven | Huber | Raum | Rönnau | Saliger | Trüg

Dogmatik und Praxis des strafrechtlichen Vermögensschadens

Nomos,  2015, 386 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-6526-1

89,00 € incl. VAT
89,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe first volume of the new publication series "Baden-Badener Strafrechtsgespräche" (Baden-Baden Talks on Criminal Law) documents the presentations and discussions of the first workshop held on April 23/24, 2015. The conference brought together lawyers, members of the judiciary and legal scholars in the field of criminal law to discuss about "pecuniary loss in criminal law". The definition of damages is subject not only to an active scholarly debate but also a highly controversial issue in the practice of the courts. The conference was organized as a closed workshop with a small group of experts and enabled an intensive exchange of arguments. This book contains several articles on almost all critical aspects of the topic. Combining its different facet, it creates a holistic understanding of the concept of damages and provides new impulses for the discussion.

»Dieses Buch bringt das Strafrecht voran.«
RA Dr. Stephan Beukelmann, FAStrafR, GA 2017, 108