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Rosenau | Tang Van

Economic Competition Regime: Raising Issues and Lessons from Germany

Contributions to Vietnamese-German Symposia
Nomos,  2015, 236 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-5710-5

62,00 € incl. VAT
62,00 € incl. VAT
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englischCompetition is a necessary motor of modern economy. But enterprises tend to achieve advantages over their competitors. So anti-competitive practices like predatory pricing are likely to be used. Therefore it is necessary to establish a comprehensive competition regime in order to enable a fair competition to all players on the market. To investigate the possibilities and dangers of various methods of marked regulation, academic participants mostly from Augsburg and Hanoi arranged a symposium on competition regime. Especially the problems and dangers related with the transfer of regulations from a well established market like Europe to a rising country like Vietnam were discussed.



Ben Harry Bornemann LL.M., Prof. Dr. Fernando Cachafeiro LL.M, Dr. Thuy Ngoc Ho, Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. Möllers, Thuy Anh Nguyen, Alice Pham, Prof. Dr. Henning Rosenau, Prof. Dr. Paul T. Schrader, Dr. Kurt Stockmann, Prof. Dr. Nghia Tang Van, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wurmnest, LL.M. (Berkeley)