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Paal | Poelzig

Effizienz durch Verständigung

Nomos,  2015, 193 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-6182-9

49,00 € incl. VAT
49,00 € incl. VAT
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englischFor good reasons, verdicts based on insufficiently ascertained facts may be called improper, unlawful and against the rule of law. The conference therefore aims to counter administrative actions and an administration of justice inconsistent with the law. An erosion of procedural safeguards by a flight to factual coercion – unpredictable at worst – is to be prevented. Within the scope of the conference, the possibilities and limits of administrative actions not subjected to judicial review shall be determined. As pars pro toto, the debate focuses on the particularly relevant fields of criminal law, banking and capital market law and antitrust law with their different normative set of rules. By identifying their similarities and differences, the formation of necessary cross-cutting theories shall be promoted in regard to the general theme. Furthermore, a foundation for policy recommendation shall be developed.

With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Armin Engländer; RiBGH Dr. Ralf Eschelbach; RA PD Dr. Gerson Trüg; StB Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kessler; RA Dr. Mathias Hanten, MBL; PD Dr. Alexander Thiele; RA Dr. Ulrich Soltesz, LL.M.; Prof. Dr. Boris P. Paal, M.Jur.; Prof. Dr. Dörte Poelzig, M.Jur.