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Klusen | Verheyen | Wagner

England and Germany in Europe - What Lessons Can We Learn from Each Other?

European Health Care Conference 2011
Nomos,  2011, 152 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-3083-2

19,00 € incl. VAT
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englischGermany, England and all other EU member states face difficult economic times and crucial health policy changes – at national as well as at European level. Thus there is a growing need to share experiences and ideas across borders. This is why the Scientific Institute of Techniker Krankenkasse for Benefit and Efficiency in Health Care (WINEG), Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and the European Health Management Association (EHMA) from Brussels hosted the second European Health Care Conference 2011 with international experts from health policy, health academia and health management.

This conference publication compiles ten contributions of the conference speakers about health care reforms, fund allocation and health services provision. Special foci are the current trends concerning the hospital sector, the patient benefit and EU cross border care. The aim is to thus promote the discussion about potential quality and efficiency improvements in both EU member states: How similar are the challenges in health care in Germany and England? If Bismarck and Beveridge had met, what would they have learned from each other? And what would they have thought about the Europeanisation in health care?

»Insgesamt sind die Beiträge in diesem Sammelband hochaktuell, und ich kann sie für jeden, der sich mit dem Gesundheitssystem von Großbritannien und Deutschland und all seinen Facetten auseinandersetzen will, empfehlen.«
Friedrich Schneider, ORDO 2012

»Those interested in health care policy in one or both countries might benefit... an aggregate, future-oriented analysis of the challenges the UK coalition government's health care reforms present to the NHS.«
Donley T. Studlar, British Politics 'Group Quarterly 2011

»Der Sammelband ist ein erneuter Beleg dafür, dass in einem vereinten Europa man nicht nur übereinander, sondern zunehmend auch voneinander lernen kann. Er zeigt, dass es Zeit wird, sich von Stereotypen über den NHS zu verabschieden und engere Kooperationen über [...]