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Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Peacebuilding - Mehr Wirkung durch Harmonisierung?

Geberabstimmung und Friedenskonsolidierung in Ruanda und Sierra Leone
Nomos,  2013, 355 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-0610-5

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The work is part of the series Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden (Volume 211)
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englischAn harmonised approach to development cooperation in post-conflict states is supposed to improve the overall impact of foreign aid in these countries. However, this implies as well political risks and side-effects. Considering these ambivalences, the study analyses different levels and varieties of aid coordination in Rwanda and Sierra Leone with regard to their impact on peacebuilding. The comprehensive approach examines as well contributing factors and interactions – namely the extent of national ownership and the promotion of good governance. The findings explain how different levels of coordination affect the overall success – or failure – of development cooperation in post-conflict countries.

»auch für diejenigen in der entwicklungspolitischen Praxis - besonders mit friedenspolitischer Ausrichtung - lesenswert, die sich differenziert mit allgegenwärtigen Kategorien wie Wirkungsorientierung, Geberabstimmung und Ownership auseinandersetzen.«
Ulrich Goedeking, S+F 1/14