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Heiderhoff | Lohsse | Schulze

EU-Grundrechte und Privatrecht

EU Fundamental Rights and Private Law
Nomos,  2016, 274 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7506-2

69,00 € incl. VAT
69,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe horizontal effect of fundamental rights has long been one of the central topics in private law. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights has since given a genuine European perspective to this question due to the various competences in private law that have been afforded to the EU legislator. The effect of EU fundamental rights on private law is thereby predetermined to the extent EU legislation impacts on the horizontal relationship. Until now, national law has provided the answer to the question of the horizontal effects of fundamental rights. This volume, therefore, contains important national, supranational and international aspects of this core private law topic in the search for a uniform European perspective.

With contributions by:

Anne-Sophie Choné Grimaldi, Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi, Sabine Corneloup, Edoardo Ferrante, Bettina Heiderhoff, Rafaël Jafferali, Hans D. Jarass, Sudabeh Kamanabrou, Sebastian Lohsse, Stefan Perner, David Ramos Muñoz, Reiner Schulze

»Das Werk am Puls der Zeit besticht durch seine übersichtliche Aufbereitung der vielfältigen Perspektiven sowie zahlreichen - auch nationalen - Facetten der EU-Grundrechte im Zusammenhang mit dem Privatrecht.«
Sara Grumbach, NLMR 2017, 199