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Husar | Maihold | Mair

Europe and New Leading Powers

Towards Partnership in Strategic Policy Areas
Nomos,  2010, 157 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-2278-3

29,00 € incl. VAT
29,00 € incl. VAT
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englischIn an increasingly multipolar world order, the European Union needs to enhance its relations with secondary powers that exert influence both at the regional and global level. The rise of these “New Leading Powers” opens up new possibilities for cooperation and room for manoeuvre beyond the G8. However, it also entails the emergence of influential “spoilers” who take positions contrary to European interests.

This book discusses the potential for cooperation and discord in different policy areas and reviews the respective policy instruments. Since bilateral strategic partnerships have proven insufficient, the main focus is set on policy area specific partnerships as an instrument of European foreign policy.