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European Insolvency Regulation

Article-by-Article Commentary
Nomos,  2019, 579 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4685-9

200,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe new European Insolvency Regulation came into effect on 26 June 2017 for insolvency proceedings that are opened on or after that date. The Recast Regulation reforms the EC Regulation (1346/2000) on insolvency proceedings. The main changes of the Regulation are:

  • the extension of its application to preventive insolvency proceedings;
  • the creation of publicly accessible online insolvency registers;
  • the possibility of avoiding the opening of multiple proceedings and preventing ‘forum shopping’;
  • the introduction of new procedures with the aim of facilitating cross-border coordination and cooperation between multiple insolvency proceedings in different Member States relating to members of the same group of companies.
  • A team of experienced insolvency law experts, among them judges, insolvency practitioners and academics, analyses the European Insolvency Regulation article by article. The authors focus on the new provisions and mechanisms as well as on the existing and to a great extent still relevant case law by the European Court of Justice and courts of the Member States.

    »eine willkommene und wertvolle Bereicherung des umkämpften englischsprachigen Kommentarmarkts zur EuInsVO.«
    Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, GPR 1/2020, 18