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Lösel | Carl | Link

Evaluation der Behandlung von Sexualtätern im Strafvollzug

Eine umfassende multizentrische Studie
Nomos,  2023, 320 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1713-7

99,00 € incl. VAT
99,00 € incl. VAT
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englischSexual offending is a hot topic in many countries. Besides punishment, treatment is widespread to reduce reoffending. However, there is much controversy about treatment. Meta-analyses have shown mean positive effects, but these are often small and sometimes negative in prisons. As they often contain methodological problems, we carried out a well-controlled evaluation with 1200 sexual offenders in Bavaria. The data stem from 7 social-therapeutic institutions and an untreated control group from regular prisons. We assessed the type of reoffending (follow-up 9 years), its seriousness, temporal course, treatment contents, the institutional climate, treatment dropout, ambulatory aftercare, staff characteristics, and other issues. The manifold results support a moderate treatment optimism, but also the need for further developments.

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