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Grundmann | Baldus | Pereira Dias | Lima Marques | Schertel Mendes | Moura Vicente | Nunes Fritz

Familie und Recht der unerlaubten Handlungen

Família e Responsabilidade Civil
Nomos,  2024, 241 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1803-1

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The work is part of the series Schriften zum Portugiesischen und Lusophonen Recht (Volume 14)
79,00 € incl. VAT
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englischFamily and Tort – this was the theme coined by Erik Jayme (1971) – and with increasing importance until today. One thinks of equality between men and women, with several cases in the German Constitutional Court, including the so-called Spaniards Decision in conflict of law, triggering the largest reform in this field since World-War II; non-marital long-term partnerships, namely in entrepreneurial contexts; equal rights for homosexuals and transgender (LBGQ), ad, of course, the CJEU agenda on EU-Citizenship. All this is still more pressing in a global – namely the lusophone! – context, with countries as diverse as Brazil, Germany, Portugal or – say – Angola or Goa.


With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Tiago Azevedo Ramalho | Prof. Dr. Lisiane Feiten Wingert-Ody | Prof. Dr. Vivianne Ferreira | Dr. Lena Kunz, LL.M. (Univ. Chicago) | RA Dr. Rafael Longhi, LL.M. | Prof. Dr. Dário Moura Vicente | RiOLG Dr. Carl Friedrich Nordmeier | Prof. Dr. Rute Teixeira Pedro

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