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Feminismus und materielles Strafrecht

Eine grundrechtsdogmatische Untersuchung insbesondere der §§ 183, 226a StGB unter Berücksichtigung feministischer Theorie
Nomos,  2024, 414 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1469-9

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The work is part of the series Schriften zur Gleichstellung (Volume 53)
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englischIn her work, the author establishes a standard of criminal law criticism based on constitutional law and with the help of feminist theory, which she then applies to the two criminal provisions of exhibitionism (Section 183 StGB) and genital mutilation (Section 226a StGB) as examples. In the first chapter, her work explores the question of how feminism as a political concern and feminist jurisprudence relate to (criminal) law. In the second chapter, she analyses the constitutional framework and criteria. The third chapter analyses and evaluates Section 183 StGB (exhibitionism) and Section 226a StGB (female genital mutilation) on the basis of the established standard.

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