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Fernsehsender beraten

Organisationsentwicklung, Innovationsstrategien und Change Management
Nomos,  2019, 306 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-4761-0

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The work is part of the series Organisationskommunikation | Organisational Communication (Volume 4)
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englischWho needs television these days?

  • Streaming services offer an oversupply of series and films.
  • On Youtube there are videos on every conceivable topic.
  • And over WhatsApp, new social media clips are constantly distributed to our smartphones.

    In the face of digital change and ubiquitous moving-image content, television is facing an existential test.


    Only the development of new business models and TV formats that represent genuine "originals" can ensure the long-term survival of the broadcasters. At the same time, an early and systematic detection and implementation of technology is essential.


    This book presents a suitable innovation and change management system to provide professional content creations and technology solutions in a manner, that is quality-orientated, timely delivered and cost-effective. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities for creative work. Ultimately creativity is decisive for success in the TV market.

    »Externe Berater erhalten hier eine Anleitung für ihre Arbeit, die nicht auf TV-Sender beschränkt ist. Das alles kommt gut fundiert und strukturiert daher.«
    Regine Rachow, Praxis Kommunikation 3/2020, 76

    »eine gute Analyse... eine gute Anleitung... ein lesenswertes Buch!«
    Prof. Martin Kaiser, Oktober 2020

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