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Deutsch-Französisches Institut (dfi) | Institut Franco-Allemand

Frankreich Jahrbuch 2022

Politik der Zeitenwende? | Europa im Umbruch
Une politique pour la Zeitenwende? | L’Europe face à ses transformations
Nomos,  36. Jahrgang, 2023, 342 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-7581-1

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The work is part of the series Frankreich Jahrbuch
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englischThis volume deals with the key crises in Europe at the moment—climate change, the war in Ukraine and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The consequences of these crises have accelerated current transformation processes in the areas of climate protection and climate adaptation, energy transition and supply, dealing with pandemics, supply chains, globalisation, digitalisation and new forms of work. The ensuing pressure to adapt is challenging the ability of political systems, especially those of democratic societies, to develop efficient and legitimate answers to such problems. Comparing different policies, this book discusses the political responses of France, Germany and Europe to the multifaceted challenges that have arisen at this turning point in world history.


With contributions by

Christophe Béguinet | Patrick Brandmaier | Simon Braun | Enrico De Monte | Andreas Fischer | Katrin Heiler | Henriette Heimbach | Rémi Lallement | Maxime Legrand | Georg Licht | Eric Maurice | Stefan Seidendorf | Ole Spillner | Bruno Vever | Yann Wernert | Guntram Wolff

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