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Host City Contracts auf dem Prüfstand der kartellrechtlichen Missbrauchskontrolle

Die Anwendbarkeit des Art. 102 AEUV auf die Ausrichtungsverträge zur UEFA EURO 2024 und zu den Olympischen Spielen 2024
Nomos,  2023, 335 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-7489-1956-8

99,00 € incl. VAT
99,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe organisation of major sporting events through so-called host city contracts is largely shielded from the public and the scientific community. For the first time, a more detailed picture of the complex multi-actor arrangements for the Olympic Games 2024 and the UEFA EURO 2024 could be drawn, in particular due to numerous file inspection requests. On this basis, the relevant provisions are subjected to a detailed antitrust law review based on the prohibition of abuse of dominance pursuant to Article 102 TFEU. Among other things, it will be clarified whether and to what extent constellations in which public authorities are contractually forced to engage in competition-relevant public law conduct are covered by its scope of application.

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