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How Subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations Drive Organizational Change

A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Case Studies on Gaining Initiative Approval from Corporate Headquarters
Nomos,  2024, ca. 239 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1709-6

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The work is part of the series Internationale Personal- und Strategieforschung (Volume 19)
approx. 59,00 € incl. VAT
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischSubsidiary initiatives are bottom-up, entrepreneurial processes that have the potential to drive change. They have generally been seen as beneficial for both the headquarters and the subsidiary within a multinational corporation. However, research suggests that only a small number of subsidiary initiatives are actually approved by headquarters, while most fail. From the perspective of the subsidiary, the pragmatic question is how to gain headquarters’ approval.

This meta-synthesis integrates findings from a set of qualitative case studies on this topic. It explores how subsidiary managers can effectively negotiate subsidiary initiatives and offers explanations as to why some subsidiaries outperform others.

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