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Hybride Heterotopien

Metamorphosen der "Behindertenhilfe"
Mit Vorbemerkungen von Manfred Schulte (Josefs-Gesellschaft, Köln) und Nachbemerkungen von Dr. Katja Robinson (BAG BBW, Berlin)
Nomos,  2016, 128 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7805-6

34,00 € incl. VAT
34,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis book’s starting point is the international, European, national and local idea of inclusion. Inclusion involves the anthropological dimensions of personal autonomy, social participation and deinstitutionalisation. That entails radical cultural and mental change in the way people with disabilities are cared for and treated and in the way they live. Real cultural alterity needs more social imagination so that the interdependent sectors, institutions and professions involved in the politics, policy, care and treatment in this field can be transformed, as can the psychodynamics of all citizens on a local level. How can we understand such transformations and transgressions? Are there possible hybrids which can help us to change sectoral and institutional logic and people’s mental grammar? Pictorial language and storytelling can be helpful in this respect. There is a need for new terminology in order to describe and explain transgressions which lead from the status quo to real, radical alterity.

»Fazit: ein inspirierender und origineller sozialtheoretischer Beitrag zur Inklusionsdebatte.«
Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, 2/2018, 65