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Risse | Haller | Harbst | Schramke

International Arbitration 10 x 10

100 facts an in-house counsel needs to know
Nomos,  2022, 237 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-8971-9

75,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe book

explains 100 facts about arbitration proceedings that every in-house lawyer must know – and every outside counsel needs to communicate in a nutshell to his or her clients.


The advantages at a glance

  • international Arbitration in a nutshell
  • clear and concise advice
  • easy access: Ten chapters outlining ten concepts each

    For in-house counsel and attorneys who need a straight-forward, no-frills explanation of core concepts in international arbitration.

    Find the cover of the current title in PDF format here: