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Bungenberg | Griebel | Hobe | Reinisch

International Investment Law

A Handbook
Nomos,  2015, 2000 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8329-6898-4

298,00 € incl. VAT
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298,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThe purpose of the handbook is to provide practitioners and legal scholars with a comprehensive overview and a systematic assessment of the relevant cases and issues in the field of international investment law. The handbook thus aims at giving both a first overview as well as a detailed insight into all aspects of investment law. The handbook provides a thorough legal analysis of arbitral jurisprudence and identifies emerging trends and developments.


This book will be of crucial importance to investors, legal practitioners, and scholars. Further, it will answer the call for a comprehensive academic study of crucial developments, such as the increasing role of European Union Law or the rising impact of multilateral approaches on the system of international investment law.

&raquodurchweg hohes Niveau&laquo
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Gramlich, ZaöRV 2016, 563

»The book delivers what it promises. It is a first point of reference for most of the questions on international investment law and arbitration that one might have... overall, the book is a very useful, well-researched and well-written Handbook. The editors succeeded in bringing together an enormous amount of investment law and arbitration expertise, and turned that into a structured presentation of the current state of affairs in this field of law.«
Dr. jur. Nikos Lavranos, Journal of International Arbitration 2016, 229-233

»Insgesamt liegt ein vielgestaltiges, für Wissenschaft wie auch für Investitions- und Vergabe-Praxis gleichermaßen wertvolles Handbuch vor.«
Prof. Dr. Fabian Thiel, FuB 2015, V

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