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DiMatteo | Janssen | Magnus | Schulze

International Sales Law

A Handbook
Nomos,  Second Edition, 2021, 1139 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-7801-0

250,00 € incl. VAT
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englischAlmost five years have passed since the first successful edition of this work and for various reasons it was time for a new edition. Much relevant case law and legal literature have since been published which requires treatment. Furthermore, several hard and soft laws relevant to the book have under­gone important changes, making a new edition necessary: the enactment of the new Chinese Civil Code, the French Civil Code following extensive reforms in 2016, the UNI­DROIT Principles now apply as amended in 2016, and the INCOTERMS 2020 replace the former INCOTERMS 2010.

Praise for the 1st edition:

»an indispensable and compact reference guide that provides an ideal platform for scholars, practitioners (in-house counsel, legal advisors and advocates) and students internationally. The reviewer is temtped to extend this list to include commercial parties such as the importers and exporters as the writing is clear, concise and direct, contract clauses and practitioner tips sections are provided, and finally because the book provides illustrations to which they can relate.«

Navin G. Ahuja, ERPL 2017, 475


With contributions by

Prof. Dr. Orkun Akseli; Prof. em. Dr. Michael Bridge, FBA; Prof. Dr. Petra Butler; Prof. Dr. Michel Cannarsa; Prof. Dr. Giuditta Cordero-Moss; Prof. Dr. Larry A. DiMatteo; Prof. Dr. Sieg Eiselen; Prof. Dr. Edoardo Ferrante; Christian Fleischmann; Prof. Dr. Ádám Fuglinszky; Prof. Dr. André Janssen; Dr. Sörren Kiene; Prof. em. Dr. Ulrich Magnus; Prof. Dr. Francesco Paolo Patti; RA Prof. Dr. Burghard Piltz; Prof. Dr. Severine Saintier; Prof. Dr. Harriët N. Schelhaas; Prof. Dr. Martin Schmidt-Kessel; Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reiner Schulze; Dr. Lisa Spagnolo; Prof. Dr. Qiao Liu; Prof. Dr. Bruno Zeller und Prof. Dr. Wentong Zheng.

»Die zweite Auflage dieses hervorragenden Handbuchs bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die relevanten gesetzlichen internationalen und nationalen Vorschriften des Kaufrechts unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen praxisrelevanten Rechtsprechung sowie der einschlägigen Soft Law-Regelungen. Das Werk leistet einen eigenständigen Beitrag für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Es arbeitet auf rechtsvergleichender Grundlage und nimmt die transnationale Vertragspraxis intensiv in Bezug. Ein wertvolles Forschungsmittel und zugleich ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel für die Praxis.«
IPRax 2/2024

Stimmen zur Vorauflage

»an indispensable and compact reference guide that provides an ideal platform for scholars, practitioners (in-house counsel, legal advisors and advocates) and students internationally. The reviewer is [...]
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