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Gümrükcü | Beck | Gümrükcü

Internationale Gesundheitsfachkräfte

Eine Analyse der Stellung und Auswirkungen der globalen Migration in Pflege und Medizin
Nomos,  2024, ca. 194 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1818-5

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The work is part of the series Migration & Integration (Volume 14)
approx. 49,00 € incl. VAT
Published August 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischThis study examines the migration of health workers in the context of globalisation. It analyses migration movements in the service sector and the effects of globalisation on the worldwide migration of health workers, especially from Turkey to industrialised countries. The study analyses the significance of the EU-Turkey Association Treaty of 1963 for a possible full EU membership of Turkey and the associated migration processes. It analyses legal and political aspects as well as the Turkish interpretation of the free movement of persons after the Customs Union in 1996. In addition, the question of Turkey's European integration as a result of these treaties is discussed.

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