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Jurist im Dienst des Unrechts

Leben und Werk des ehemaligen Staatssekretärs im Reichsjustizministerium,Franz Schlegelberger (1876–1970)
Nomos,  2., überarbeitete Auflage, 2024, 279 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-0723-3

89,00 € incl. VAT
Published July 2024 (available for reservation)
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englischFranz Schlegelberger was Hitler‘s highest-ranking jurist to survive the collapse of the regime. In the middle of the war, after a long career, he served Hitler for a time as acting Reich Minister of Justice. Although he himself was not a convinced National Socialist – he considered himself rather bourgeois-conservative – he decisively shaped the disastrous role of the judiciary in the Third Reich and had to answer for it after the war as the main defendant in the so-called Nuremberg Jurist Trial.


The author describes a career that was not so much tragic as consistent. The biography is not only aimed at legal historians and lawyers, but also at all those who are interested in the role of lawyers in Hitler‘s Germany and afterwards.

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