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Kammern und Umweltschutz

Auswirkungen des Umweltrechts auf die Aufgaben der Kammern unter Einbeziehung von Gemeinwohl und Staatszielbestimmungen
Nomos,  2016, 469 Pages, E-Book

ISBN 978-3-8452-7147-7

122,00 € incl. VAT
122,00 € incl. VAT
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englischThis research describes the responsibility and working fields of the chambers on environmental protection and its limitation because of constitutional law and the specific law of the different chambers. The chambers are corporations of the public law and therefore they are bound by the aim of the state for protecting the environment and the common welfare. But as self-government corporations they also have their own instruments for acting as well as their own law. The influence of both on the real and the potential business of the chambers in the field of environmental protection and all their different types of tasks are analyzed. It also shows some possibilities to react on the challenge by changing law and the policy of the chambers. The thesis should be read by people of the chambers and public administration which are near the self-government chambers.

»›Heyne‹ ist es gelungen, eine zugleich umfangreiche und engagierte Bestandsaufnahme vorzulegen, die als Diskussionsgrundlage zu einem rechtspolitisch aktuellen und anspruchsvollen Thema hervorragend geeignet ist.«
Dr. Klaus Schönenbroicher, DVBl 2017, 696

&raquoDas Kammerrecht hat die Autorin unstreitig weiterentwickelt.&laquo
RA Dr. Matthias Wiemers, GewArch 2016, 488