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Kausalität im Klimaschutz

Zur Individualzurechnung von Klimafolgen an Unternehmen
Nomos,  2024, 387 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1076-9

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124,00 € incl. VAT
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englischClimate protection with climate change litigation: Horizontal climate lawsuits have become an integral part of the German litigation landscape. The central problem of these actions is the attribution of climate impacts to individual emitters who – from a global perspective – have only contributed to climate change to a small extend. In addition to a categorization of horizontal climate claims, the author demonstrates the difficulties of civil law in capturing the effects of climate change. The focus oft he study ist he differentiation of causality and attribution for climate liability la wand the presentation oft he various criteria that are relevant fort he attribution of climate impacts. The work is rounded off with a proposal for a legislative solution to the issue.

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