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Kanitz | Geck

Klaviatur des Hasses

Antisemitismus in der Musik

Herausgegeben von Maria Kanitz, Lukas Geck

Nomos,  2022, 301 Pages

ISBN 978-3-8487-7147-9

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englischThis anthology addresses the question of how anti-Semitism appears and is expressed in modern music. As a ‘negative guiding idea of modernity’, anti-Semitism can be found in all musical genres and is conveyed on different levels, be it through song lyrics, album covers, music videos, stage performances, through the musical form or style itself, or the ideological and structural integration of musicians into the extreme rightwing scene, all the way to the influence of entire music scenes through the anti-Semitic BDS campaign. In the essays in this book, the authors therefore give an overview of current developments and provide analyses and assessments of the manifold anti-Semitic manifestations in music.


With contributions by

Jakob Baier, Timo Büchner, Nathalie Friedlender, Lukas Geck, Marc Grimm, Melanie Hermann, Maria Kanitz, Niels Penke, Annica Peter, Nicholas Potter, Jan Schäfer, Kai E. Schubert, Marcus Stiglegger, Tom D. Uhlig and Nico Unkelbach.

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