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Kryptotoken und Geldwäsche

Die geldwäscherechtliche Verpflichtetenstellung von Kryptointermediären im europäischen sowie deutschen Recht
Nomos,  2023, 694 Pages

ISBN 978-3-7560-1214-5

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The work is part of the series Recht und Digitalisierung | Digitization and the Law (Volume 13)
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englischThe attention of money laundering prevention is to be directed in particular to technological innovations whose possible forms are immanent to an increased money laundering affinity. One of these technological innovations is the crypto token system. This not only offers technology-savvy people the opportunity to invest in crypto tokens or to use them as a means of exchange, but also provides criminals who want to make the system of inherent pseudonymity or anonymity their own for illegal activities with various opportunities for money laundering. The overall objective of this study is therefore to analyse and evaluate the extent to which effective anti-money laundering and money laundering prevention has been created at European and national level by obliging crypto intermediaries de lege lata and to close identified gaps by formulating recommendations de lege ferenda.

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